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謝采恩 Carey Hsie

a Designer, Handcrafter, Preacher and Housewife

(香港,Hong Kong)



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 個人檔案 Self-Profile



2013年因訂造羊毛氈結婚公仔可愛迷人,向賜能力的  神禱告,決心自學羊毛氈手作,並從此中了手作毒,  至今創作了一百多件作品並自家設計教學材料包讓其他人也能自製可愛的公仔,並有幸出教學書以及手機程式app。





在此分享我的羊毛氈手作作品,希望會有喜歡它們的人^.^ 同時也希望將主的愛和希望帶給人。


First Class Honor Graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University communication school, major in Graphic Communication.


In 2013, I have been falling in love with felt wool handcrafts, and has made over 150 pieces of handcrafts, some DIY teaching bags and released a teaching book for felt wool handcraft, and also a mobile app about felt wool handcraft.


I love multimedia design, drawings, photography, felt wool handcrafts, writing and sports.


Thanks God for giving me a chance to spread his love and grace through handcrafts and designs.



2010 - present

2010 - present

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